NATAS Mid-Atlantic offers two scholarships to high school students in our region: The Norman Felsenthal Young Producers Award (YPA) and the Next Gen Diversity in Broadcast Journalism. Our Board of Governors feels strongly about supporting the next generation of broadcasters and journalists. The Norman Felsenthal Young Producers Award is a $1000 prize presented to the student who wins the PSA category in our NATAS Student Production Awards competition (entries due February 28). We offer the Next Gen Diversity in Broadcast Journalism Scholarship, a $1500 scholarship, to a deserving student in their first three years of college. Applications are due March 25 Applicants can be current high school seniors, college freshmen, and college sophomores. Click here for more info on the Next Gen.
Help support our students by donating to our scholarship fund. Any amount is appreciated! Simply donate online or contribute to our scholarship find here:
We are working on compiling a list of previous scholarship winners and thank you videos from our past winners.